PreView Use Cases

How Synthetic & Human Testing Drives Ad Effectiveness

Realeyes PreView enables advertisers to predict audience attention and emotional response to creative. The greater the engagement, the stronger the signal of positive outcomes such as sales lift.

Surface Intelligence Across Portfolio 

Assess the performance of different brands within your portfolio to surface learnings from historical campaigns and inform future strategies. 

Maximize Media Effectiveness 

Compare performance by platform environment, ad-format or duration to reduce wasted ad spend and an increase in conversion rates compared to previous campaigns. Even integrate attention metrics into your programmatic buying to automatically adjusts bids for high-attention creatives to ensure they receive prime ad placements. 


Real-time Creative Testing

A creative agency uses GenAI platform to create an animation sequence for a leading homecare brand. Using PreView Synthetic API, the creative team could experiment, getting recommendations and scores to select the best concept. 


Optimize Performance

PreView makes suggestions for key scenes that fall short of the norm. Using Synthetic, any adjustments can be tested on the fly to optimize predicted performance.    

A/B Testing

Assess different concept versions, such as variations by message, visuals, edits etcto surface which creative drives the most impact.


Test Desired Response 

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